Wednesday 9 November 2016

May we remember that its all of us going to work and doing our job that make's everything in this world function. WE ARE THE POWER Of this world. ^.^ ~
How we think,feel, act all has an effect on reality.

Together we are the employed, and also the consumers who choose what we buy that create and sustain the market.
Business owe their success to the people who support them.
If ever things went "bad" ~ If we remained calm and pooled together as a collective people as we already do there would be nothing to fear no matter what comes our way.

Nothing/little at all in our society would have to change, yet at the same time we could hold the corrupt who have done damages accountable for their choices/actions by discussing the harm they have caused together.  (and talking to the people affected by these poor choices who in the past would be silenced from speaking about what happened.)

In this age we have grown to be a "global community" ~
but also In the new age ~ Being a good business owner is paired with being an ethical human.

We can choose to celebrate effort, good policy, good idea's and hard work together and change the way this world functions with the power of our spending.

We have so many important people in society who deserve to be as famous as "celebrity's".
These people offer so much to our world they help us supply and meet our daily needs and are there to help in times of turmoil.

Let's celebrate them!
some examples being: people who grow the food, who transport things, who work in oil and gas and distribute it, who work towards green energy solutions and repairing the damages to this world for the future generations, scientists, environmentalists, and those who work as police officers, paramedics, firefighters always there to help us in our times of need. (When not focused on meeting quotas) etc.
There are so many examples of jobs that help make our global society as beautiful as it is.
We lived in the dark ages and here we are in an age of indoor plumbing ~ and so much abundance.


proof its ok:
Just look at the power of community when you look at groups like the The Humanity Project.
Humanity is pretty cool ~ problem is so many people have lost hope/faith in one another.
But I wish they could see all the good that is being done in this world to end suffering.
Then we'd all know there's nothing to fear, but fear itself.

Wednesday 7 May 2014


Hey everyone~

In many parts of the world, we face possibility of our water being poisoned by fracking, or our environments being destroyed due to our dependency on oil.

Then there are those who have lost their job's in this tired economy~ Are sent to collections when the banks have the option to give them a bit more time.

Debt is killing people, quietly. (People trading food and sleep for more work on a never ending cycle of insanity.)

We are currently looking for artists who would be willing to network and showcase their artwork with our movement.

(We will be broadcasting internationally so it is a great opportunity to showcase your work.)
Our goal: To inspire!

We live in a world that is tired and broken. Humans prefer to trade real value for man made value.

Talk has accomplished nothing~ As the politicians choose to not listen.

It's time we try something new: use our creativity instead~

To clarify for those who do not know me:
I am not part of one religion~ I understand all religions connect in the heart.

Wicca Rede

Do as you will ye harm none

Yeshua ( Jesus) says the world will be saved by the chosen ones.
Matthew 24
22 In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones.

All you need is love

The sun gives light, the earth with its water flourishes it.
Without either, we are doomed.

If you are interested please send me a note on here, or e-mail me at:

Facebook group-

We are hosting a contest for design's to make in to t-shirts and other things.
Winners will get some awesome gift basket's filled with lots of goodies from awesome small business.


Sunday 4 May 2014

Croud funding - Community project

So as some of you may know, fate had put us in a situation. We're trying to open a community access centre, and create some jobs and giving the banks some resistance.

Why not be proactive?

We are starting up a crowd funding campaign to see if we can raise some funds to keep this movement flowing and play some good tunes along the way.

(Maybe even host a concert)

We would love the opportunity to host some local events and even turn the basement area into a theatre for community projects and kids shows. (all that we wish to share on the internet.)

[x] Indiegogo Campaign

To all who help spread the word~ Much gratitude!!

So over the next few weeks we will be doing live performances and diving in to some video games to meet some awesome people.

We will also  be hosting a radio program.

Stay tuned for some updates.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Reaching out - branches and roots

It's time to reach out and extend this message through love.

The idea that value is determined by appearance is such a shame.
It is the soul that resides within us that is our true value.

What we can share and create for the world. What we give for the betterment of tomorrow.

People can lie, but then you just end up like Thomas Edison and Nicola Tesla.
The web of lies unravels

And the douche bag is forever seen by all humanity and corrected in history.

So be real, be true.

Anyone Remember
Ashley Simpson?

Right now there are millions of amazing people sharing their talent online.

Right now with law's being passed without much public discussion: We could lose the right to celebrate the things we love.

Whaaat am I talking about? Copyright laws~!

Now I don't do this to make money, I do it for free because I LOVE the music. and I'm hoping to share it with the people I love.

But for some strange reason some one has been attempting to make such things illegal. Punishable for up to 5 years in prison?

For Drawing FAN ART? For covering of a song?
Yea no~

-Fans of everything need to get on this asap-

We must save the internet!!!! >:O Chaaarge!

Friday 18 April 2014

be yourself karaoke

I started this project to show us what reality truly is.

We are caught up in the illusion of the opinion others and take it as reality.(there is no box)
Where most of us develop insecurities because of a societal standard over our lives.

We can free ourselves from the fear of of this judgment to be ourselves. (the person we are when we are alone.)

For centuries our reality has been censored. Status always brought some sort of expectation that some one was above of below, but we are equal.

I wish to start a project regarding music that brings it back to basic.

No crazy technology just  a web cam and a computer and a  karaoke track off you

I'm hoping it will evolve to include every type of music live ever..

but the point is~ I know so many amazingly talented people who hid themselves away as adults because they felt as though they were not good enough.

The no makeup challenge that was on facebook inspired me to see the real beauty behind the mask.

This is what reality looks like.

and I hope that some day I might be able to get some more renown individuals joining in for the sake of reality.

~ Every friday night~

Where?: My youtube channel

Please join me~ and let's be musical goofs together.


Monday 7 April 2014

Community creations

Recently we have discovered wonderful potential the internet has to offer and are making this blog post about it.

I feel that this has great potential  to set people free to be their highest self so no one needs to work a dead end job that barely pays the bills.

(please note it will take time and effort)

here's a wonderful example from  some one who has already been doing this for years:

The idea starts like this: Most of us are employed for some one who in many peoples cases see's them as a number.

If you have a talent you can show: (music, art, writing, childcare, games and activities,cooking, sewing, whistling, trolling, comedy, anything)
You have your own original content to share with the world!

If you do something, might as well get payed for it too right?

Free blog's HTML and affiliate marketing

There are many websites that offer website services

depending on what projects you wish to create should depend on wich you choose to register for.

for blogs:               Blogger, livejournal or Wordpress
for websites:          Wix
Video:                    Youtube


Step 1
- Create your digital real estate.

The more traffic you bring to your website, the higher the value to attract better customers for advertisement space. (more views brings more sales)

Step 2- Explore affiliate marketing campaign's.

 There are many to choose from and some specific that are available for every skill out there.
Amazon associates
 Google Addsense,

and here are some blogs with some other recommendations: 
 Tyler CruzThe mom creative

As your traffic increases the space on your website becomes prime real estate for advertisement. (people who want to reach their target audience.)

Step 3- Network as a group~ 
We are not allowed to click our own adds, but we can offer a trade of clicking adds. Together we can also collaborate, and promote each other better.

Step 4- Connect to your network ~

The internet has brought us many tools to reach different groups online.
Facebook, pinterest, tumblr, deviantart , forums, and twitter, miivese, reddit, etsy

Understanding how these websites work and how to network with people based on keywords and #hashtags will help you find your desired audience.

You can also sign up for some directories to help advertise.

Step 5- Update regularlyThis is key to having an audience keep interest in your work. Fresh content~


We are entering a whole new area of adventure and exploration.

The potentials for us all to be our own employer's by offering our talents openly.
By creating and sharing and growing as a creative community.

Its all a learning process,so don't be afraid to ask for help or afraid to make mistakes.

Success comes from trial and error until you find your own.

As your website/blog/channel grows you can begin to make other deals with other people looking to advertise on your space, and grow your own empire.